VAP Sense
The Vap Sense product offering is sold with the Family Sense policies, but can also be sold on a standalone basis includes the following covers:
1. Credit Protection
In the event of your death, or if you are permanently disabled, provided that you have adhered to the terms and conditions of this policy, then the outstanding debt on your credit agreement will be covered. No early settlement interest will be paid.
The sum insured must be equal to the principle debt plus VAT as
reflected in the credit agreement.
A monthly premium will be collected in advance
- Claims must be reported within 30 days of the event giving rise to the claim
- Maximum indemnity is R 500 000
- A separate application is required to be completed and signed by the customer. No cover will be accepted without the completed document/declaration
2. Excess Waiver
This policy will reduce your BASIC excess following the occurrence of such an event.
The policy is subject to the general conditions, exclusions and definitions from the underlying motor policy
Should the underlying insurer repudiate your claim for any reason whatsoever, no cover will be in force with this policy
A maximum indemnity is R 50,000.00 per Insured registration
No Claim will be paid more than 12 months after the event that caused the claim
Extensions for windscreen waiver available, if selected:
3. Tyre Sense
The direct damage caused from any damage accrued including potholes to any tyre and rim, the Insured will be covered under this policy.
The maximum number of claims paid during one insurance period will be limited to two
No claim will be indemnified where it occurs within 30 days of the policy inception date
All losses must be reported within 10 days of the date of the occurrence
The three options available are,
(1) Limited to R5 000 per tyre and R 2 000 per rim
(2) Limited to R 10 000 per tyre and R 2 000 per rim
(3) Limited to R 20 000 per tyre and R 2000 per rim